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Motivation Doesn’t Last.

“Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar

Max Mask, BSc, MBA.
6 min readNov 11, 2021

Motivation is a tricky thing. And how to keep yourself motivated is a real feat. We all have one of those days from time to time. Yes, I know that feeling very well. In fact, I have gone days, months, and years even, feeling a mixture of boredom, fear, lethargy, and just having a massive case of sick-and-tiredness.

So how do we keep motivated when this covid-infested world gets the better of us? But before I jump into that topic, let me share a wonderfully funny quote by Jim Rohn. He said,

“Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.”

I laugh every time I read that! But Rohn does have a point. Being motivated and moving in the wrong direction is a disaster waiting to happen. To become motivated to climb the ladder of success, only to realize that it is leaning against the wrong wall, as Stephen Covey says, is something we all want to avoid.

“Detect or Invent your Life Purpose” — Victor Frankl

Obviously, we need to spend some quiet time, and perhaps plenty of it, to figure out the goal or endpoint we want to move toward. Let’s face it, with the…

Max Mask, BSc, MBA.
Max Mask, BSc, MBA.

Written by Max Mask, BSc, MBA.

A millionaire on a quest to inspire others and share why and how I attained millionairehood. Engaged in the peaceful pursuit of abundant life. If I can so can u

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