How I Manifested a Gift From Thin Air

My Swiss Army Knife tale is sure to inspire.

Max Mask, BSc, MBA.
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
7 min readJan 24, 2022


Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

I have been writing a lot lately about the power of the human mind. I think we tend to discount the manifestations of this awesome force as coincidence or sheer luck. I have a story to tell you about a swiss army knife I “created” out of thin air when I was a kid. You may argue that it was pure chance or a fluke. I disagree.



Max Mask, BSc, MBA.
Thoughts And Ideas

A millionaire on a quest to inspire others and share why and how I attained millionairehood. Engaged in the peaceful pursuit of abundant life. If I can so can u