Member-only story
A Millionaire Who Cuts His Own Hair?
#4 in the series: Live Like a Millionaire.
Take a look at the picture associated with this story. Absolutely perfect! I wanted to pen a quick shout-out of thanks to Unsplash and all of the artists who donate their work. Unsplash provides so many wonderful photos. Wow! A sincere and heartfelt thanks for all the pictures and a special thanks to Greg Rosenke for capturing the feeling I want to express in this piece. Keep up the good work!
Now, look at the kid in the chair of the photo for this post. Looking pretty excited don't you think? Well, not really.
That is a perfect metaphor for what a self-made millionaire does day in and day out — a lot of really boring stuff. Rarely are the things that I do all that exciting.
I made the bulk of my wealth in rental real estate. In that business, you do a lot of things that just are not pleasant and downright disgusting. I can’t count the number of plugged toilets I have unstuck. I knew I was getting used to that job when one time, without thinking, I just stuck my hand into the toilet bowl without donning rubber gloves. Now, to be fair, I just flushed the toilet so the water was clean. However, I usually wear protective latex gloves when working inside the bowl of a porcelain throne, even if the water appears clean. I just don't want to take any cling-ons home with…